The Muse Personality

[caption id="attachment_986" align="aligncenter" width="432" caption="one of the first pearl vessels...."][/caption] I was suggested by my friend and amazing artist, Candice Wakumoto to be interviewed for the "Muse Personality" on Tonya Davidson's Musings and Mullings of the metal clay variety, April 18th, 2011. You can read both of our interviews by going to Tonya's blog. I met Tonya many years ago, my first trip to Tucson, at an informal Flame Off, where Bronwen Heilman and others were working their magic on a few torches that were set up at someone's home.  Her company has grown into a large business, supplying metal clay and all kinds of tools. I am honored to be included in her series of interviews!  And read about my friend, Helga, the current Muse Personality.

[caption id="attachment_987" align="aligncenter" width="490" caption="intricacy in nature"][/caption]

In the interview, I mentioned nature as inspiration.  When you look at all the intricacies and colors, the details in nature, amazing...

[caption id="attachment_988" align="aligncenter" width="490" caption="orchid"][/caption]

The garden in the spring is so fragrant, delicate, in bloom...

[caption id="attachment_989" align="aligncenter" width="490" caption="bleeding heart"][/caption]

And in the sea, circular patterns inspire...

[caption id="attachment_990" align="aligncenter" width="490" caption="intricate shell"][/caption]

On to art....Amazing patterns and colors appear in art, this mask, made by an unknown artist we bought in Costa Rica, I love all the detail and again color..

[caption id="attachment_992" align="aligncenter" width="448" caption="Costa Rican mask"][/caption]

And a very old section of a stained glass piece we installed 20 years ago in our house, the detail and color I love.

[caption id="attachment_1004" align="aligncenter" width="480" caption="stained glass"][/caption]

As we sit down at our bench to design, hopefully these colors & images will inspire.