Copper Clay

[caption id="attachment_683" align="aligncenter" width="490" caption="front side, copper clay pendant"][/caption] [caption id="attachment_684" align="aligncenter" width="490" caption="back side, copper clay pendant"][/caption]

It's two, two pendants in one!  This doubled sided pendant was worn today.  The swirl side has tie dye colors, and other side came out more muted.  Okay, I guess this material is dirty, as some folks say, but I find it fun to work with and I love the rosy color that the copper imparts.  I do wish I had installed a solar panel to fire these though.  After the front was dry, I hand carved the back swirl, after it was fired, I then burnished it with a dremel tool, to highlight the top area.  And these photos are quick & dirty, dirty as in my glass wasn't spotlessly clean.  My next endeavor will be to try the copper clay that Metal Mania has developed, that comes in powder form, is then mixed with water.  You must use all the contents of the 50 gram or 100 gram jar otherwise it will oxidize.  The jar clearly states:  "Do not open until ready to use."  So don't get an ADD attack and run to the new Nordstrom Rack that recently opened or make dinner.  Make your copper clay, or bronze clay pieces, dry them, use it all at once!